I developed five characters relating to the circus composition on an 18" x 5" sheet of Arches cold press 300pd watercolor board in full color, using a consistent style, in full figure with costumes, accessories, and props. For people in the city who would enjoy visiting the Circus. I illustrated and designed the characters and mocked them up on a city bus. I began sketching several pencil sketches of the characters, using gouache for opacity I began to produce full-color illustrations that I would mock-up on a city bus in Photoshop. The outcome resembled a circus train car as you would see on a box of animal crackers.

Front and side view of Circus Bus Side Advertising

Front view of Circus Bus Side Advertising

Back and side of Circus Bus Side Advertising

Gouache painting of Circus Bus and elephant, giraffe, ringmaster, leopard and zebra

Giraffe, leopard, elephant ringmaster and zebra characters