I chose to illustrate “The birds they perched upon it.” 'There was a young lady whose bonnet, Came untied when the birds sate upon it; But she said, ‘I don’t care all the birds in the air are welcome to sit on my bonnet!' As the Lead Illustrator, for reference, I chose a photo of my friend Oceai. I illustrated the piece with several washes of Sumi Ink of varying strength. A fountain pen loaded with Indian Ink fills in the smallest details. The final is Illustrated on a 100-pound bristol board the dimensions are 5.5" x 10". With such a lovely young lady wearing such a beautiful bonnet, how could anyone expect birds to resist perching upon it if only for a brief moment?

Bird Bonnet | Editorial Illustration hanging in frame on stone wall

Bird Bonnet | Editorial Illustration as magazine article

Oceai and I at her High School Graduation